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Sales Navigator Export Limits
Sales Navigator Export Limits
Grégoire Démogé avatar
Written by Grégoire Démogé
Updated over a week ago

On our pricing page, we mention "Unlimited Sales Navigator Export." This means that FullEnrich does not limit the number of Leads you can export daily.

However, it's important to understand that LinkedIn, as a platform, imposes certain restrictions to protect its user base.

LinkedIn's Restrictions

LinkedIn is cautious about the use of automation tools for several reasons:

1. **Preference for Paid Plans**: LinkedIn prefers users to send messages via paid accounts rather than using tools to automate messages.

2. **Protection of Its Database**: LinkedIn limits scraping to prevent users from mass-harvesting data from its contact base.

These restrictions can vary depending on your profile activity and your LinkedIn usage history. For example, if you are not very active and suddenly start exporting a large number of Leads, LinkedIn may become suspicious.

How Many Leads Can I Export with FullEnrich?

There is no exact number as it depends on several factors, including the activity of your LinkedIn account. However, our internal tests show that:

  • You can export at least 2500 Leads/day regardless of your account.

  • We have been able to export between 5,000 and 7,500 Leads per day for a few weeks straight without issues with our LinkedIn personal accounts. Those accounts are warm and have been customers of Sales Navigator for some time.

What Happens if I Exceed the Limits?

There's no real risk in pushing the limit. In case of exceeding Sales Navigator limits, the worst-case scenario would be a temporary restriction on the search functionality on your Sales Navigator account, with a message saying "Too Many Actions." This does not impact your regular LinkedIn account.

So far, none of our users have been banned for using FullEnrich (we have exported millions of contacts so far).

This restriction can last from a few minutes to a few hours, and sometimes a few days if you hit the limit a few times in a row.


If you want to be 100% safe, export a maximum of 2500 leads/day.

If you're in a rush and need more volume, you can push past that until you see when LinkedIn will block the export. When you find out, wait a bit, and make a note of this limit.

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