We verify every phone number we receive.
Credits are not used if a data provider sends us a landline (when we can detect it).
In the US and Canada, we perform deeper validation using the phone owner’s name.
How we verify phone numbers
Having the best phone number enrichment rate is great, but accurate phone numbers are even better.
Here’s a diagram of how it works:
Type of Phone Numbers We Return:
Landline Numbers
Landline numbers are flagged and don’t cost any credits. We continue enrichment efforts until we identify a mobile phone number.
Mobile Phone Numbers
We use a proprietary algorithm combining phone number patterns and complementary data sources to identify mobile numbers.
This check covers over 40 countries, including:
• Europe: France, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland
• Asia: India (90% accuracy), Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines
• Oceania: Australia, New Zealand
• Africa: South Africa, Morocco, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria
• South America: Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia
Phone Numbers
In some countries, it’s not possible to determine if a number is mobile. If a provider returns a number passing our initial checks, it is categorized as a “found phone number.”
Although these numbers are reliable, they are not as accurate as the verified ones. However, by selecting the best providers first, we are able to maintain 85% confidence.
Verified Mobile Phone Numbers
For US & Canada numbers, we are able to perform a deeper check.
Our verification system follows these four steps:
Our telecom partners identify the owner of each phone line.
Our AI matches the owner’s name against your lead’s name.
Verified numbers are flagged in the interface.
Invalid phone numbers are excluded, and enrichment continues for the remaining numbers.
Since verified mobile phone numbers are the most accurate (almost 100%), we recommend prioritizing them in your cold call sessions.
A number that isn’t verified doesn’t necessarily mean it’s incorrect—it simply means we couldn’t find the owner’s name to check if it matches.